Tuesday 25 September 2012

iFag VS Geek

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Korang pernah dengar term "iFag" tak? Terms ni adalah gelaran bagi mereka2 yang begitu fanatik dengan produk Apple. Mereka akan pastikan Apple lah yang terbaik dalam perdebatan yang berkaitan dengan technology sekarang. Contohnya, Samsung S3 vs iPhone 5, mereka akan bermati2an akan mempertahankan iP5. (padahal mereka takda iP5 pun. lol)

Menurut website Urban Dictionary, "iFag" bermaksud:

(1) An iFag is a homosexual Apple fan boy. This type of individual will defend their products, regardless or logical reason. You can often find them at any of the following stores: AT&T, Starbucks and any generic smoothie shoppe.

The original iFag is an individual that goes by the name of "freediver" in the channel #computers located on the EfNet IRCd.

example: The iFag at Starbucks would not shut up about the upcoming iPad.

(2) Someone who thinks he is cool because he owns an Apple product, usually the iPhone or the iPod.

(3) Someone who thinks he is cool because he bought a certain technology that very few people use, and thus, he feels like he is superior, although often it is because the technology is overpriced and/or useless.
example: (i) That iFag attempted to update me on the weather at my workplace, although I work at a fucking weather station.

(ii) Jill can't stop talking about her new iPhone and its many features that I also have on my $50 phone. What an iFag.

Yes, aku memang minat Apple, tapi bukan sampai tahap iFags lagi. Aku sekadar pengguna sahaja.

Alhamdulillah, setakat ni Allah SWT bagi pinjam sebuah macbook pro 13inch & iPhone 4. Dengan gadget2 ni, agak mudah untuk aku melaksanakan tugas seharian as a student.

Contohnya, aku guna macbook utk buat assignment, & utk buat slide presentation. Memang sangat ohsem bila present guna app "Keynote" yg ada dalam macbook.

Jika iFags tak sesuai untuk aku, tapi rasanya "Geek" mungkin lebih sesuai, iaitu gelaran bagi mereka yang tergila-gila sukakan tech@gadget. Kalau aku buka internet, website berkaitan dengan gadget adalah satu kemestian untuk aku baca.

Maksud "Geek" pulak:

Not to be confused with "Nerd". A geek does not have to be smart, a Geek is someone who is generaly not athletic, and enjoys Video Games; Comic Books; being on the internet, and etc.

example: Only a geek would waste their time on the internet, defining geek on urbandictionary.com

Harap2 korang jelas dengan perbezaan diatas. Sebarang pertanyaan boleh diajukan dalam komen dibawah. Whoa!

Aku yang tak berapa Geek,

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